Case Studies – Nalanda Business Associates

Case Study on Action

An educational conglomerate approached Nalanda Business Associates to conduct workshops for employees working and managing Administration, HR, Finance, Operations, Logistics and other enabling units. The objective was to address challenges in improving employee morale which was low before the Project started and had led to attrition, lack of team spirit, cohesiveness and similar other challenges.

Discussions with their Learning team helped us identify the following challenges:

  • As the conglomerate had grown in size with large number of institutions as a part of the group, the staff were found to be working in silos
  • They were not able to identify and relate with other institutions and relate with the mission and vision of the group
  • Within an institution, they preferred working in groups of their choice without any sense of pride
  • Lack of spirit in working as cohesive groups was missing
  • Due to the amount of pressure that they were facing ,it was difficult to release stress and affected their morale

To address these challenges, a workshop was designed to meet the client requirement, which was a blend of Theater based techniques and NLP tools. The terminal objective of the workshop was to create a strong association and bonding between team members which led to cohesive work force creating a ripple effect infusing new found enthusiasm and pride of working with the Group.

The workshop was delivered in phases across various institutions within the group which led to :

  • Improvement in employee morale leading to effective collaboration and execution of critical projects
  • Workshop helped them understand one another in the real sense beyond the roles, designations, responsibilities
  • A new sense of team spirit which resulted into generation of new ideas directly saving time and cost as employees were now open to accept ideas from colleagues which was crucial as the group has been growing rapidly for some time.
  • At an individual level, the benefit to an employee was connecting with their own soul and led to creative thinking and new ideas for business and process improvement which gave good results in saving costs, time and optimum utilization of resources.

The workshops were very well received and highly appreciated for the unique method of delivery, fun, creativity and experiential activities. Nalanda has also been identified to design and deliver workshops for Faculty and students.

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